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World’s most expensive crab dies in Tottori, Japan.

The snow crab, which was sold for 2 million yen or $19,000 in an auction and was certified as the “highest crab in the world” by the Guinness World Records at that time, unfortunately died, according to NHK news.

The facility that was breeding this crab will stuff and exhibit it in the future.

This snow crab was auctioned off for 2 million yen, or $19,000. The crab was labeled as the highest-class male snow crab brand “Gokisei” called “Matsuba Gani”, and was the “most expensive crab sold at an auction” according to the Guinness World Records at that time. It was certified as a record.

The snow crab was donated by the winning bidder to the “Tottori Karo Kanikkokan” in Tottori City, and has been exhibited and bred for about two years, but died on the 23rd of November.

According to the Kanikkokan, the lifespan of snow crabs is said to be about 15 years, and when they were landed, they were already estimated to be 12 to 16 years old, so cause of death was thought to be from age.

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