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The earth, 1.5 billion years from now

… seems to be very HOT!!
The surface temperature is said to be approximately 500 ℃!

Voices from 2ch regarding this picture are:

・ … and why should I care about anything 1.5 billion years later?

・This is horrible and inhabitable! I’m think I’ll just live until only 1.4 billion years later.

・I bet only the inorganic creatures that live in the magma will survive.

・I’m not sure I’ll still be around then …

・Does this mean the temperature around Mars or Jupiter will be just right?

・Survival of the fittest!!

・If civilization actually continues for 1.5 billion years without interruption, I bet we’ll be able to overcome 500 ℃.

・I must buy land in Antartica.

・At that time, the pension system must have to collapsed.

I personally like dreaming of what earth will be in random years.

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