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Uber Eats deliverymen starts hiding their logo…

“Hidden Uber” are increasing rapidly, according to Yahoo news.

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, Uber deliverymen are increasing in the city. However, if you look closely at this photo, you can’t find the logo that should be on the bag.

Accidents and troubles caused by some deliverymen who can’t follow traffic rules have become a social problem, but Uber because of their increasing demand, they continue to run around on public streets.

However, there was an interesting change among the delivery staff.

Uber Eats bags usually have a large logo on them, but the number of “hidden Ubers” that are painted with black tape is on the rise.

2ch citizens’ reactions:

・They’re just trying to avoid responsibility if they create accidents

・I’m sure there are some decent staff among them …

・With that obvious square bag, I don’t think they can hide their Uberness like this.

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