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A man with 24 cm bottle in his anus — Doctor: “Why did you put that in?” Man “Please don’t ask …”

An eye-popping x-ray was revealed and became a hot topic. Obviously, a bottle of 24 cm is found in the abdomen. Why did this happen?

According to Gogotsu, a man living in Henan, China, was just recently carried in the emergency room. He had severe abdominal pain. The doctor in charge asked the patient various questions to investigate the cause … but he was sluggish and did not answer anything.

There was no sign of the bottle coming out on its own, so the doctor reluctantly tried to put his hand in and take it out, but the more he tried to reach it, the deeper the bottle went in …

Because laparotomy in this situation would be dangeous, YuXiuzhi, the smallest of the doctors, put his hand directly into the anus for the approximate position. During this process, the nurses couldn’t bear watching this and looked away. After that, another doctor opened the anus, connected a suction tube, and about an hour later removed the bottle without any injury. When taking it out, the man screamed, “Ahhhhh!”

…. what a crazy episode. I would like to ask several questions to each individuals, but I think it’d be better if we left them alone.

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