Japanese to the World

This is how my cat uses its cat grass:

A Cat grass is, for those of you who haven’t heard of them before, generally means grass that cats prefer to eat.
Cats are said to prefer short grasses of the Gramineae family, which are most often sold as cat grasses. Other cat grasses include oat or green foxtail. They are sold as grass or as seeds in cultivation kits in pet shops.

It is unclear why carnivorous cats prefer to eat cat grass. There are several theories; one, the purpose of taking in grass is to get rid of fur that has been swallowed from grooming to improve excretion, or to take in folic acid, or to increase digestion.

2ch comments:

・Awww, so cute!

・Was its chin itchy?

・She looks so comfortable

・I want my own massage grass too

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