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Disastrous Yellow Sand / Asian Dust is approaching Japan

Yellow Sand (otherwise known as Asian Dust) is a dust storm /sandstorm that is accompanied by strong winds, especially from the desert or arid areas of inland East Asia centered on China.

It is a meteorological phenomenon that scatters this yellow-brownish sand over a wide area in East Asia usually in spring, and falls on the ground. Alternatively, it refers to the sand itself scattered by this phenomenon.

According to @arakencloud, this photo is captured by a meteorological satellite found a very clear image of a giant Yellow Sand cloud is flying along with the flow of strong winds due to the blocked low pressure.

This is so severe it may appear in the future textbooks.

This Yellow Sand is expected to fly to western-northern Japan on the 29th to 30th.

If you have respiratory illness or allergies, we must take measures.

2ch comments:

・OMG, this is horrible!

・This is so disastrous. It can be recognized as terrorism.

・I, a Kyushu citizen, tremble ….

・This is so annoying …. they should plant trees or do something about it.

・We’re already fed up with cedar pollen.
Stop sending in more disastrous materials …

・A gift from our neighbor, China

・That photo looks like a brew of Cafe au lait.

・OK, I shouldn’t wash my car for a while

・It looks like coffee mixed with milk….

・First COVID-19, now Yellow Sand ….

・Could you please include how to deal with this in that textbook? … Tomorrow, I can’t dry the laundry outside

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