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A 18000 year old dog is discovered

A 18000-year old baby canine carcass was found in the permafrost layer of Siberia, Russia.

Researchers are having a hard time figuring out whether this is a dog or wolf, according to bbc Japan.

The canine baby, which appears to have died two months after birth, was stored frozen with its fur, nose, and teeth very clean … especially for being over 18000 years old.

Researchers examined the DNA, but couldn’t identify what kind of animal it was.

It is possible that this creature is a wolf in the process of evolving into a modern dog.

2ch comments:

・Ancient dog!! Wow!

・I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw one of these walking today.

・Is it saved so beautifully

・↑My thoughts exactly.

・Mummy dog!

・I should be careful not to die in freezing places. My descendants might find me like this.

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