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Strange bird appears in Chiba, Japan

This huge, strange bird are swallowing snakes and frogs whole in Chiba.

Witnesses of these “mysterious giant birds” are reported everyday.

Why are these endangered species from Africa witnessed in Chiba Prefecture?

This huge bird with a huge beak was photographed in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture on the 31st May, 2021.

This bird is known as the “Southern ground hornbill”.

A Southern ground hornbill (Scientific name: Bucorvus cafer) is a type of ground-based carnivorous bucerotes.

It has the nickname of the grassland cleaner.

Inhabiting the South African savanna, adult birds are about 90-130 cm long, weigh about 6 kg, and spread their wings to nearly 2 meters.

The beak is long and hard like a rhinoceros horn.

Only the throat bag and the area around the eyes are brightly red, and the eyelashes are long, and the others are almost entirely black.


・Wow, this is a huge bird.

・Grassland cleaner? Its nickname is so cool!

・How did this bird come to Japan?

・↑It can’t possible have flown here, so maybe it was someone’s pet … ??

・Chiba was a savanna … ?

・Its coloring is so deadly …

・Southern ground hornbill lives for about 50 years ….

・Wow, is it aggressive?

・Is is editable … ??

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